ZURICH, Switzerland
Open House ZÜrich
27-28 September 2025
PBZ Pestalozzi-Bibliothek Zürich by Rasmus Norlander
About Open House Zurich
The largest city in Switzerland consistently ranks among the top ten cities for quality of living as well as the highest cost of living in the world.
Good architecture has a long tradition in Zurich. On the one hand, the architectural heritage obliges, and on the other hand, replacement construction has become increasingly important, as Zurich has experienced a strong growth spurt in the last 20 years. The transformation of former industrial sites has also resulted in a great deal of construction activity.
Like many other popular cities, Zurich does not have enough affordable housing. For this reason, the share of non-profit housing in rental housing is to be increased to one third by 2050. Zürich is also on the way to becoming a 2000-watt society, where people use energy and resources in a sustainable manner.
In this environment, Open House Zürich was founded in 2016 and opens more than 100 buildings each year at the end of September. In addition to bringing together different population groups by showing good architecture, Open House Zürich is constantly developing new needs and visions. In this context, we want to make visible and open to discussion both the current needs of the city's inhabitants, as well as new, external requirements. Key issues include green building, urban densification, affordable housing, mobility and more.
Housing Estate Gruenmatt
Construction and the Climate Crisis
High House West
Meet Open House Zurich