Open House Buenos Aires: Virtual festival draws over 130,000 views

Image courtesy Open House Buenos Aires

Image courtesy Open House Buenos Aires

Open House Buenos Aires has pulled off a hugely successful virtual festival drawing over 130,000 views from over 23,000 visitors in more than 30 countries, all in the space of one weekend.

As with Open House organisations around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the OH Buenos Aires team to rethink their annual festival.

“We tried to bring to the screen a format that shows the Open House spirit and experience,” said Ricardo Pomphile of OH Buenos Aires. “Open House brings joy to the people of the city, so we thought that if we made the event during the quarantine, it would at least provide a palliative from the pandemic situation...and it was!”

The festival featured a mix of pre-recorded videos and live-streamed discussions and building tours. The live-streams took place via YouTube, allowing questions and comments to be received from the viewing public.

Watch one of our favourite building tours below, or re-visit the whole festival here.


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